<p>Well, that was all around 25 years ago, but my passion is still as young.</p>
<p>Electric rc cars make use of a 7.2 volt battery and two electric motors. The rc car can speed up to 25 miles per hour and of course, this is the perfect start for the beginner. The best part of these electric rc cars is that you can redesign the cars to be more faster, attach ball bearings, boost the system with high power batteries and everything thing else you ever wanted to experiment with. With all these modifications, you can speed up your car to 40 miles per hour!</p>
<p>Similarly, the remote control car, which enables you to operate the car from a distance. It consists of a remote control unit, a battery, and a charger. Many remote control cars make use of a 540 size electric motors, powered by 4 or 7 cell batteries. Pan chassis with direct drive transmission are the norm for the remote control cars. Foam tires are used and lightweight Lexan bodies are used. </p>
<p>The Nitro RC cars are the second most popular cars. The word nitro refers to the nitrogen that is a major part of the fuel which is used to run the nitro rc cars. The energy that is given by the fuel combustion allows the nitro rc cars to catch up a speed of 80 miles per hour! These are special fuel made for nitro rc cars, regular gasoline will NOT work! Nitro rc cars are less in weight and have a better power to weight ratio. You can easily modify the engine with a Mabuchi motor to give a speed of 90 miles per hour!</p>
<p>These nitro or gas powered rc cars give that much needed reality into the machine and is spcailly designed for people who are in search of something different from electric cars. The most popular gas powered rc cars today are the cheap and fast gas rc car, nitro touring cars, the BIG monster nitro rc trucks!</p>
<p>These gas powered remote controlled cars and similar to electric touring cars, but with more power and 2-speed transmission. At 190mm, these cars are slightly narrower and smaller than the 200mm models. You can also search for hundreds of rc car from online rc hobby shops.
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